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Don't Hug Me I'm Scared Wiki

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 6, also referred to by its theme, Dreams, is the sixth and final episode of the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared web series. It was uploaded on the 19th of June, 2016.


The episode starts with Yellow Guy crying in his bed with his friends not there, while sadly going through his friends' photos in a scrapbook before going to sleep, after acknowledging the fact that his friends are missing. When he switches off his bedside Lamp and goes to sleep, it suddenly turns on and becomes alive. It tells him that he is silly (for not knowing how to dream). Yellow Guy says "No!" and switches it back off and tries to go back to sleep, but it again turns itself back on and starts to teach him about dreaming.

The lamp starts singing a very off-key song about dreams and pulls him trough a hallway with paintings of Duck, Red Guy, Sketchbook and Tony the Talking Clock, much to Yellow Guy's dismay. When the lamp tells Yellow Guy that dreams are movies that live in his head, a Camera projects a movie on Yellow Guy's forehead of a theatre, with Roy being the only person in the audience. The camera zooms in on the show within the theatre and we see Yellow Guy in his bed while the Lamp rubs his head and opens the curtains of the window. Next, we see Yellow Guy riding a horse with various things around him from previous episodes (Malcolm's head, the entrance to the digital world with a floating puzzle piece, a checkered path, a tree with a butterfly, a picnic with eggs, a tree with a rainbow, mushroom, and swing, the computer with the big eyeball, a tree with a missing poster, and a red telephone booth with Roy in it). Also, a director's clapperboard with "Don't Hug Me I'm Scared Scene 6" written on it is seen. As the Lamp sings "You can have a dream about drowning in oil" a house appears—still with studio lamps in the upper corners—and Yellow Guy starts to drown in oil. As he screams, we can see the weather changing and Roy secretly looking at him from out the window. Suddenly, the dream stops and Yellow Guy jumps up from his bed.

As he confusingly looks around him, once again, the light switches on and the Lamp starts talking. It's now standing on the table on the right of the room and has long legs in a similar fashion to Tony. As the Lamp repeats the words "A bad dream," we see Yellow Guy, again, drowning in oil and, when he's almost completely submerged, the screen cuts black.

While the lamp still can be heard, the episode switches to Red Guy sleeping on his desk in the "real world", where everyone looks and sounds like him. As he gets handed a file, he asks if it would be fun if the file would come alive and start to sing a song. He sings a short song about that while everyone starts to look at him until the Red Guy that gave him the file, presumably his boss, tells him that "that sounds really boring," a line he said in the first episode. The episode then changes to a staircase with multiple Red Guy's descending. We see the primary Red Guy in a bar, looking bored at his beer, with multiple Red Guys around him, chatting. One of them plays the piano badly. He gets inspired to take off his clothes and he starts to sing The Creativity Song from the first episode on stage, only to receive negative feedback from the audience. Suddenly, he sees Roy in the audience, who is the only one who is simply listening to him and watching him very closely.

The microphone in his hand becomes alive and he is transported to a different, dark place, all alone, most likely due to being in the real world—as of episode 5—no longer existing. He follows the music and finds a machine that displays multiple different "cameras" set up in Yellow Guy's house. He sees that someone has been watching Yellow Guy and his friends. Red Guy starts pressing the machine's buttons and, as he does, different teachers from past episodes appear one after another, alongside Duck Guy and Red Guy himself, and teachers from "future" episodes. Roy shows up from the darkness behind him and reaches his hand towards Red Guy. Red Guy then notices the power cord coming from the machine and starts to follow it and finds a plug. Just before he pulls it out he says "I wonder what will happen" and when he plugs it, a flash is seen, resembling that of a TV shutting down.

Afterward, the show seemingly resets and the set of the first episode appears, where the puppets are sitting around the table, but now in their favorite colors (Red Guy is blue, Yellow Guy is green, and Duck is red) and there are less props than before. The calendar changes from 19 June to 20 June and Sketchbook becomes alive and starts to sing the first line of the "Creativity Song" and the episode ends.

During the credits fog is shown in the background and Roy's face can be seen in the upper right corner.


Primary Characters[]

Secondary Characters[]

Tertiary Characters[]


Below is a transcript of the episode.

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Yellow Guy: (sobbing) Goodnight, guys. I miss you.

[Yellow Guy turns off lamp and tries to go to sleep.]

Lamp: (comes to life, turning on the light) Oh! Somebody's sleepy!

Yellow Guy: Huh?

Lamp: (laughing) But that's silly!

Yellow Guy: No! (turns off the Lamp)

Lamp: (turns on again) How can you be sleepy if you don't know how to have dreams?

Yellow Guy: No, I don't want to know, I-I don't want to know HOW TO HAVE DREAMS NO! NO!!!

[The world is now in 2D animation.]

Lamp: (singing) Dreams are a movies that live in your head,

Yellow Guy: (trying to interrupt) STOP!

Lamp: every night when you sleep in your bed!

Yellow Guy: (groans)

Lamp: And you can have a dream about RIDING A HORSE!

Yellow Guy: (riding a horse) No!

Lamp: Or you can have a dream about drowning in oil!

Yellow Guy: (drowning in oil) No! NO! NO!!! NO MORE SOONGS!!!

[Yellow Guy wakes up from the dream. The world is now back in its normal format.]

Lamp: Oh, looks like somebody's having a BAD DREAM! (bad dream, bad dream)

[Yellow Guy starts drowning in oil while "bad dream" is repeated in the background.]

[The screen goes black.]

[Red Guy is sleeping on a computer keyboard. He then wakes up.]

Boss: Hey. Can you file these files, please?

Red Guy: Uh, yeah, sure. Uh, huh, HEY! But, uh, wouldn't it be funny if, um, one of these files came alive? Ha, here...

I am a file and you put documents in me! And, um... A-doo-da-doo, a file! A... a funny... silly file... a-doo-doo...

You know, it did like a song—

Boss: No. That sounds really boring. (withdraws)

[The camera shows a shot of multiple Red Guys going down the stairs with the sound of a clock ticking in the background.]

[Red Guy is sitting alone in a social club while a bunch of other Red Guys talk around him.]

Social club member: And I was like, "Yeah, that's not even the same bucket!".

Social club members: (heaped laughter)

Social club member: A bucket, friend.

Social club member: I am the cool guy, I guess: laidback and sad. Nowadays I hurt my leg today!

[There is indistinct chatter among various Red Guys while the Red Guy at the piano is playing badly.]

[Red Guy takes off his clothes and goes on the stage with a boombox and a microphone.]

Pianist: Huh? Well, that's rude. No clothes...

[Music starts playing.]

Red Guy: (singing) What's your favorite idea? Mine is being creative. How do you get that idea? I just try to think CREATIVELY!

Now when you look at this orange, (shows orange to the audience) tell me please, what do you see?

(quoting Duck) "It's just a BORING OLD ORANGE!"

Maybe to you, but not to me. I see a silly face!

Social club members: (booing)

Red Guy: Walking along and smiling at me.

Social club members: (booing)

Red Guy: (quoting Yellow Guy) "I don't see what you mean!"

'Cause you're not thinking creatively!

Social club member: I DON'T LIKE IT! Really not good!


Social club members: (booing)

Red Guy: I use my hair to express myself.

Social club member: It's not very good at all! NOT GOOD!

Red Guy: I use my hair to express myself...

Social club members: (booing louder)

[Red Guy stops singing and notices Roy sitting at the back of the bar.]

Microphone: Don't stop now, FRIEND! Your voice is music to my face!

Red Guy: (drops microphone) Eh?

[The background changes to a dark room with a checkered floor.]

Boombox: GAAEEEEHH??

[Red Guy starts walking towards a machine that displays cameras while music plays.]

Lamp: (singing in the background) And you can have a dream about eating a drink!

And you can have a dream about BUYING A HAT!

And you can have a dream about losing your friends!

Yellow Guy: (sobbing)

Lamp: And you can have a dream about burning your friend—

[Red Guy presses a button that switches the Lamp into Tony the Talking Clock.]

Tony: (singing) Time is a tool you can put on the wall, or wear it on your wrist!

Yellow Guy: Huh?

Tony: The past is far behind us!

Yellow Guy: YOU?

Tony: The future doesn't exist.

Time went new and got old like history. Stuff from the past went into a mystery!

Yellow Guy: YOU MADE ME DIE!!!

Tony: But look, a comput—

[Red Guy presses another button and switches Tony into Colin the Computer.]

Colin: (singing) ...Computer! I'm a computer-y guy!

Yellow Guy: (turns into his 3D computer model) AAHH!!

Colin: Everything made out of BUTTONS AND WIRES!

I'd like to show ya—

[Red guy presses another button and switches Colin into Shrignold.]

Shrignold: (singing) —why we're here? What's it all about, YOU'VE NO IDEA. And everywhere you look...

Yellow Guy: NOO!!

Shrignold: ...all you see is hatred, and darkness, death and—

[Red Guy switches Shrignold into Steak.]

Steak: (singing) I-Ice cream beef? Ice cream beef makes your teeth go gre-grey!

[Red Guy presses another button and Spinach Can appears.]

Spinach Can: Doesn't matter, just throw it away! Why not try some—

[Red Guy presses another button and Duck appears.]

Duck: —f-f-fish on my tray!? WHAT? WHERE AM I-I-I?

[Duck glitches out and becomes Universe Guy.]

Universe Guy: We are in the universe!

Yellow Guy: Huh?

Universe Guy: Planets live inside the moon!

A rocket ship can go to space,

A rocket ship can go to the moon!

[Red Guy switches Universe Guy into a Football.]

Football: (singing) Sports! Ball! Let's play sports! Cricket ball! Red Card!

[Red Guy switches Football into a Magnet.]

Magnet: (singing) I'm a Magnet! And I'm friends with metal I attracted! And it's my best frien—

[Red Guy switches Magnet into a Shovel.]

Shovel: (singing) Let's dig a hole at the bottom of the—

Yellow Guy: Make it stop!

[Red Guy switches Shovel into a Saxophone.]

Saxophone: (singing) Ba-bi-du-bop! I teach you how to buy a canooooooooeeeeeeeee!-

[Red Guy switches Saxophone into a File.]

File: (singing) I am a file and you put documents in me!

[Red Guy switches File into a Traffic Light.]

Traffic Light: (singing) Green is for go, but red is for not go! You can be crushed by a bus—

[Red Guy switches Traffic Light into Gel.]

Gel: (singing) Let's learn about gel! I know about ge—

[Machine switches characters into different teachers in rapid succession.]

Cigarette: STINKY MOUTH—!

Boombox: Music is your favorite frien—

Yellow Guy: (sobbing) I DON'T LIKE IT! I DON'T LIKE IT!

Roy: (stretches out arm and touches Red Guy's shoulder, breathing heavily)

Red Guy: Ah!

Yellow Guy: (sobbing)

[Red Guy sees a plug and walks away from Roy and the machine. Yellow Guy appears with notably less hair and paler skin on the monitor. Red Guy approaches the plug.]

Red Guy: I wonder what will happen...

[Red Guy pulls the plug. A set similar to the first episode appears but with less props. The main cast is there, but as different colors. The calendar changes from 19 June to 20 June.]

Sketchbook: (singing) What's your favorite idea—?

[The credits roll.]



Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 6


Behind the Scenes[]



  • When the show resets and the new first episode starts, the intro song of the current episode can be heard and it starts just the same way, with a camera zooming out of a window and then revealing the characters.
    • The green screen of the window can even be seen. It is not known if this is an error or not.


  • It is revealed that Red Guy is living or has lived in a world with characters that look just like him.
    • It is also revealed that he was nude throughout the series.
    • It was also revealed that Red Guy graduated from school, possibly college.
    • The Red Guy that handed him the file wears a name tag with "Red Guy" on it, implying that everyone in this world is called Red Guy.
    • In Red Guy's world, everyone discourages things that are considered fun or exciting.
    • One of the Red Guy's can be seen smoking at the bar. This might be another hint that Red Guy is a smoker.
  • This is the second time Red Guy follows a wire, the first time in Episode 4.
  • When Red Guy is messing with the machine and changing through the teachers, he is briefly seen twice in the teachers.
  • Yellow Guy is riding a horse in his dream, but in the "It's Nice That" interview he reveals that he is allergic and afraid of horses.[1] This could possibly be a factor in the fear Yellow Guy was feeling during the dream.
  • Yellow Guy saying "I don't like it" is the same line he said in the HELP 2 video.
  • The Duck that appeared was most likely from Episode 2, judging by what he was saying and holding, and also seeing that he is dead.
  • If one pauses at the right time during the montage of teachers, Duck Guy with a pixelated head that briefly appears in Episode 4 shows up.
  • Future teachers were revealed, but will possibly never appear again, as this is the final episode of the series for now.
  • When Red Guy presses the buttons at the control room a File appears that has "DHMIS, FILE 6" on it, possibly talking about being the sixth episode of the series.
    • It also says the exact line that Red Guy said when he was singing about a file becoming alive.
    • The paperclip it contains also resembles the one of Magnet.


  • The computer Red Guy is using is an Amstrad PCW 9512, made by a British electronics company. It is the only computer that is not turned on.
  • The clock in Red Guy's office has the same face as Tony the Talking Clock.
  • The chairs in Red Guy's office are all different. This could be a reference to Episode 2 where all the puppets were sitting on different chairs.
  • The chairs the puppets are sitting on at the end are the same as the ones in Episode 4.
  • The pin on the Duck hand puppet could be a reference to Duck's birthday pin in Episode 2.
  • The painting of a clown also appears in Yellow Guy's dream.
  • The TV from Episode 2 also appears in Yellow Guy's dream.
  • There is a small statue of Red Guy above Yellow Guy's bed.


  • The control panel has seven screens, but only five of them show footage from each previous episode. The first episode is never shown.
  • There is both a mouse hole in the puppets' bedroom and in Yellow Guy's dream.
  • Malcolm is referenced three times in this episode. First in the bedroom, then in the bedroom in Yellow Guy's dream, and, finally, while Yellow Guy is riding a horse.
  • The mountains with snow on top in Yellow Guy's dream could possibly be a reference to the picture of the main characters in Episode 2.
  • An animation style very similar to this episode's animated segments is used during the Transport Song in the TV series episode, "Transport".


  • The mug in Red Guy's office sometimes gets replaces by something else depending on camera focus.
  • At 5:46, where between Spinach Can disappearing and Duck Guy appearing, the control panel's main screen displays Sammy the Spade from later in the episode.


  • It is theorized that the events happening in the "real world" take place before everything in the show, being a flashback to Red Guy's life before he came up with the idea of the show.


As of July 2023, the episode has 28 million views and 654K likes.


Web Series Don't Hug Me I'm ScaredDon't Hug Me I'm Scared 2 - TIMEDon't Hug Me I'm Scared 3Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 4Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 5Don't Hug Me I'm Scared 6
TV Series PilotJobsDeathFamilyFriendshipTransportElectricity
Promotional/Miscellaneous Shorts HELPHELP 2HELP 3'Behind the Magic'Yellow Guy's DreamWakey WakeyFLYLATE SEPTEMBER! (EGG)
Becky and Joe's Other Projects The ColouringBad Things That Could HappenCraig's Big DayBaby CPR (St. John Ambulance)The PuppetsTrolliSwim and Sleep (Like a Shark)